Saturday, June 20, 2015

Research Task 1 (06/22/15 - 07/03/15)

  1. OpenViBE: An Open-Source Software Platform to Design, Test and Use Brain-Computer Interfaces in Real and Virtual Environments (2010), Yann Renard, Fabien Lotte, Guillaume Gibert, Marco Congedo, Emmanuel Maby, Vincent Delannoy, Olivier Bertrand, Anatole L ́ecuyer. [45 pages] This paper provides an overview of the whole project you are working on. Also, it can be viewed as the accompany material of the OpenViBE Video Tutorial. You have been going through it earlier, just revisit it and use it to help you understand the video better.
  2. Mindwave User Guide, NeuroSky. Learn to set up the headset and use it as the input device. You will need the headset from the school.
  3. NeuroSky Mindwave & OpenViBE: A quick look at some of my EEG data (2012), Graham Healy, YouTube video. An video tutorial teaches you how to set up the initial connection between NeuroSky Mindwave headset and the OpenViBE
  4. OpenViBE Video Tutorial. (2011), Jozef. Follow the video and run through the OpenViBE examples. See how far you can go.
  5. You will need to download and install OpenVIBE on your Windows computer, or use a Windows laptop provided by school. 
Classification Algorithms
  1. How classification algorithms work (2015),  YouTube videos, Thales Sehn Körting. A series of 9 video tutorials give you a light introduction to classification algorithms. Though some of them may still seem pretty difficult or not clear enough. You will have chance to zoom in and study in more depth later. At this point, just get familiar with them and understand them as much as possible.

Please take electronic notes while you are studying the materials, watching the videos, or browsing through the web. Each team will present their learning later in the summer meeting.

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