Saturday, October 31, 2015

Progress Report 3

This past week was a short one, primarily because we missed STEM class on Tuesday due to the College English field trip. On Thursday, we continued to explore and follow the OpenVIBE sample scenario tutorials and proceeded to create them using the OpenVIBE Designer application. In particular, completed 'Designer Tutorial 4: Window Manager' ( We followed the tutorial and ended up creating a series of displays and topographic maps:

Next week, we plan to wrap up the OpenVIBE simple scenario tutorials and use our newly founded navigational skills to create our scenarios. We will look to Andre's and Ryan's scenarios from last year to guide us through the process. In addition, we hope to figure out a way to connect the NeuroSky Mindwave headset to Openvibe on the Windows computer, as we will need our brain data in the future. Lastly, we will continue to update our Gantt Chart on the basis of changes to our plans. 

Sunday, October 25, 2015

progress report 2

Since the past progress report we have not made much progress on our issue connecting the neurosky headset to a windows computer. Apparently, windows obnoxiously keeps rejecting the neurosky driver and installing their own, which then won’t succesfully connect. Although we have worked with the neurosky drive and looked for help on several online forums, we could not find a solution.

Our project is multi-faceted, though. We have learned that instead of sitting on that problem and halting the rest of our work until we find a solution, we can focus on a different aspect of our research. We have done so by directing our attention towards OpenVibe.

Using one of the computers the last year’s OpenVibe group used, we explored the OpenVibe platform as per our past research. We utilized the tutorials on OpenVibe’s website and created our own few scenarios, using the given boxes. The scenarios are not of heavy importance; they were just meant as exercises, and taught us valuable OpenVibe navigation skills.

Next week, we will continue with more OpenVibe tutorials to familiarize ourselves with OpenVibe as authors. In addition, we will be utilizing last year’s recorded EEG data in our scenarios, until we can successfully connect the Neurosky headset.

We have added a goal to our Gantt chart: we want, with the help of the OpenVibe tutorials, build a functioning scenario with several boxes, maybe even something pre-recorded like the handball game.